19 July 2007

Wanderlust and an Introduction

Hi all! I'm not sure who will be reading this, but I thought I'd introduce myself and what I'm doing here.

First of all, why a travel blog? Well, travel was always a part of my life, although the international travel bug didn't hit until later on. I grew up driving up and down the west coast with my family. However, it wasn't until I was 19 that I left the country for the first time. I was lucky enough to study abroad in Spain; after that I backpacked twice around Europe. I've always been all over the Caribbean, as well as to India and Israel. And I've had the chance to do some more traveling around the States.

So...I thought I'd share what I know! I love to travel, and I think I have a knack for finding cool places to eat, drink, see, and stay. I'm the typical traveler in her 20s...I don't have too much money, but I'm creative with what I have. So look for some guides to places I love, of course only from my own perspective.
You can see below a map of where I've been...expect to find out more about these places soon!

Enjoy, be creative, and find the wanderlust inside yourself!

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